
Showing posts from February, 2022

canvas final fmx 2022

      Before taking this class I never coded anything in my life. It was intimidating at first but you really just have to see what you need to do. It was not too difficult, but like many have said it was trial and error. I actually ended up coding this project about five times. Every time I would click off and open something else it would delete my project. I was put into this class late but I did not see me having a harder time than the other students. I wanted to do a very simple version of starry night almost abstract looking. Since my inspiration was the starry night, I also looked at abstract versions of the painting. I took some ideas from there and made some of my own. I went simple and used simple shapes, and used similar colors to the actual Starry night. I used dreamweaver to create my project. I used squares, rectangles, circles, arcs, bezeir curves and quadratic curves.  inspirations: sketch:  Code:  //moon light// var centerX = canvas.w...

EX 1

      Our age grew up with technology, as soon as most of us started elementary school the internet was in our lives. But to be honest, I didn't even know the definition of the internet until I just looked it up. "The internet is a vast network that connects computers all over the world." From Britannica. For almost any person my age, the internet was information we all quickly picked up. I don't even remember being taught how to access the internet. It came naturally almost as instinct. As a result of that technology has taken over the world. Anything from bathrooms to driving, requires technology.      Who created the internet? Two computer scientists one named Bob Kahn and another named Vinton Cerf. On January first, 1983, The internet was born. But, originally the internet was started in the late 1960's in California, USA. The internet was first used as a weapon during the cold war. Scientists would use it to communicate and share data. Now, the in...

Selfies blog #0

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 Hi! My name is Emma Shuck and I am a pre-nursing major. I am a freshman and it is my first semester at The University of Tampa. I am excited to take this class so I can learn coding and further my experience with photoshop. I have always wanted to learn how to code, so hopefully I am good at it!       I live 45 minutes outside of Tampa and I have lived in England for three years when I was younger. I grew up around this area every weekend and I have always loved it. A hobbie I enjoy is dancing. I was a dancer for 15 years and danced all the way through high school. I was co-captain and captain of my high schools dance team. In high school I was apart of many clubs including National Honor Society and Health Occupations Students of America. In both clubs I held leadership positions. I like to be known as a leader and not a follower. One thing I am not good at would be skiing. Since I have lived in Florida most of my life, snow is a rare occasion for me! The last...