I watched three videos on photoshop for beginners. The three I chose were 'Adobe photoshop tutorial: EVERY tool in the toolbar explained and demonstrated' from Josh Mcdarris, ' Learn photoshop in five minutes beginner tutorial' by Flow Studio, and 'Adobe photoshop tutorial: the basics for beginners' by Alec Markarian. The first video I watched from Josh Mcdarris was about 45 minutes and went over every single tool in the provided toolbar and how to use it. I think this video was very helpful in explaining the tools and purpose. Not only was he amazing at explaining the tools and use but also how you can use it in other ways. As a beginner in photoshop, I personally found this video very helpful. I followed along as the video was going on so I knew the tools and how to use them properly. The next video I watched was Learn photoshop in five minutes beginner tutorial by flow studio. I thought that this video was a quick an easy tutorial. The video was mo...
I have minimal experience with photoshop but I remember doing this in high school in my digital media class. So, when I found out we were doing this project I was excited because I knew what to do. For the somewhere I chose a friends episode where they are sitting on the couch in central perk. Not only did I pick this scene because I watch Friends everyday but because my mother actually named me after Ross and Rachels baby, Emma. I found this project easy but there was a few bumps in the road. The main thing I had issues with was trying to blend my body into the background while making sure it looked natural. I have an eye for small detail so I took the time to make sure I was as blended in as possible. The before: Me before: Completed:
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